Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Hello, it's me Cremetti.
I don't seem to have written in this blog for AGES!

Can I bring you up to date on my antics, please?

What didn't I tell you, hmm......

Peter Kotka?
Chakib Benkara?
Sophia Fleetwood?
Steven Brown?
Le Bel Artist?
Chipping Campden?
Art growth?

I realise that there are heaps of things unrecorded here. The work with Infusion Oils in Bidford, getting an exhibition arranged, Chipping Campdens fireworks.
Tell you what, how about if I tell you a liitle about what's goping to happen in 2 days time! I'm writing this on November the 28th 2012, and on Friday the 30th I have the private viewing of my very own exhibition in Chipping Campden at Le Bel Artist, Fine Art Gallery. Link to gallery

It was Peter Kotka who introduced me to LBA, and Chakib Benkara who suggested I exhibit there. The preparation has been going on for weeks, and it isnt a simple, nor a cheap thing to do. Naively, I originally imagined plonking a few pictures in a few frames and declaring the Cremetti exhibition "open", but NOTHING can be further from the truth.  It's like the musicians who think they can "get a recording deal" because they can play...... Nope, it isnt simple at all. For starters, expect to pay £1000+ in printing, framing, transporting, etc. Then remember the galleries commission, then the petrol to attend your own exhibition, plus weeks of PR and hassling people to see you there. It's real ordeal! Then, ask this question: WILL MY WORK SELL?  Well, yes... Probably... Maybe...Hopefully..... If not, it's bye-bye £1000+ OUCH!

So, I've spent lots of time on my digital art, and I've done quite a lot of commercial product/event work too. To know more, please visit  and also, 
Thanks for reading!!!