Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Alcester street market, Alcester 1940's dance.

I've written before about my photography in Alcester. Alcester is a town in Wawickshire, which may be the most lively and integrated town in the country.
I actually grew up in Alcester, lived there for 30 years or so, then visited 2 or 3 times a week. In my head, I still live there.
Anyway, the point is this: Steven Brown, high Bailiff of Alcester arranged two, (amongst many others he also arranged), big events for the town this June. The first was a 1940's themed dance. He and his team converted a sports hall into a hangar, installed a swing band, sound effects, lights, and atmosphere, and created what may have been the finest dance the town ever saw.

But wait!
Two days later, the same team put on a 1940's themed Street Market in Alcester high Street. The sun shone, Kitten Von Mew sang, MP's arrested black marketeers, people danced in the street. Remarkable.
Never been to Alcester?  You should visit!